The muse

Fragmented Figure II

The Muse is the first step at trying to be more thematically deliberate with the interplay between solid and void on the main form and what lies beneath it as a separate layer. Though more experimentation with lattices and interconnected networks will be carried out, this iteration is a candidate to be used in a wider context.

This could be considered an example of the potentially curatorial future of the designer, which I found worrisome and interesting at the same time.

The idea is the usage of an algorithm to generate an 'x' number of iterations, based on fundamental instructions, inputs, affects, conditions, and having it generate expressions of that. The designer then intuitively chooses a a range of those said expressions and proceeds to the next step.

The scary part of this, is perhaps the idea that this could, eventually render the designer redundant - and perhaps, to an extent, this could prove to be true, especially if their primary purpose is to 'simply' draft iterations. But I would like to think that the designer or the artist is a bit more than just a drafting machine - they are the decision-maker behind the process. The curator of the expression.

These are just some initial thoughts as I go through this. I'm looking forward to start exploring the AI part of all this and see the curatorial aspect of things can be automated as well.