THETHUMBCAST - Episode 001 - 17/04/2014 - Introductions, Education, Writer's Block and Tentacles

Welcome to our first podcast where we introduce ourselves and the purpose of our site here. Points covered include education reform and how it may affect creativity, learning in general, character design considerations, Writer's block and many other little bits and pieces. 

Our aim is to have such discussions on a weekly basis but in this beginning phase we would greatly appreciate your input as we are still trying to solidify what we're doing here. 

Intro and outro are composed, performed and arranged by Andreas Kopriva. 

Interesting links covered include the following : 

Durer's praying hands image -

The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife image's_Wife's_Wife

Ken Robinson's Ted Talk about how schools kill creativity

Link to Harlan Ellison's stunt of writing a short story at a 5th Avenue bookstore

'In a stunt designed to break the stereotype of the secluded writer, author Harlan Ellison sits in the window of a 5th Avenue bookstore, and, using a beginning written by NBC's Tom Brokaw, writes a short story from it in only 5 hours.'

Link to purchase Master of Magic right here -

The Secret Life of Salvador Dali - a book written by the Spanish painter touching on his lucid dreaming techniques -